Linear & Quadratic Discriminant Analysis

In the previous tutorial you learned that logistic regression is a classification algorithm traditionally limited to only two-class classification problems (i.e. default = Yes or No). However, if you have more than two classes then Linear (and its cousin Quadratic) Discriminant Analysis (LDA & QDA) is an often-preferred classification technique. Discriminant analysis models the distribution of the predictors X separately in each of the response classes (i.e. default = “Yes”, default = “No” ), and then uses Bayes’ theorem to flip these around into estimates for the probability of the response category given the value of X.


This tutorial serves as an introduction to LDA & QDA and covers1:

  1. Replication requirements: What you’ll need to reproduce the analysis in this tutorial
  2. Why use discriminant analysis: Understand why and when to use discriminant analysis and the basics behind how it works
  3. Preparing our data: Prepare our data for modeling
  4. Linear discriminant analysis: Modeling and classifying the categorical response with a linear combination of predictor variables
  5. Quadratic discriminant analysis: Modeling and classifying the categorical response with a non-linear combination of predictor variables
  6. Prediction Performance: How well does the model fit the data? Which predictors are most important? Are the predictions accurate?
  7. A comparison: An example comparing logistic regression & Discriminant Analysis
  8. Additional resources: Additional resources to help you learn more

Replication Requirements

This tutorial primarily leverages the Default data provided by the ISLR package. This is a simulated data set containing information on ten thousand customers such as whether the customer defaulted, is a student, the average balance carried by the customer and the income of the customer. We’ll also use a few packages that provide data manipulation, visualization, pipeline modeling functions, and model output tidying functions.

# Packages
library(tidyverse)  # data manipulation and visualization
library(MASS)       # provides LDA & QDA model functions

# Load data 
(default <- as_tibble(ISLR::Default))
## # A tibble: 10,000 × 4
##    default student   balance    income
##     <fctr>  <fctr>     <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1       No      No  729.5265 44361.625
## 2       No     Yes  817.1804 12106.135
## 3       No      No 1073.5492 31767.139
## 4       No      No  529.2506 35704.494
## 5       No      No  785.6559 38463.496
## 6       No     Yes  919.5885  7491.559
## 7       No      No  825.5133 24905.227
## 8       No     Yes  808.6675 17600.451
## 9       No      No 1161.0579 37468.529
## 10      No      No    0.0000 29275.268
## # ... with 9,990 more rows

Why Discriminant Analysis

In the previous tutorial we saw that a logistic regression model does a fairly good job classifying customers that default. So why do we need another classification method beyond logistic regression? There are several reasons:

  • When the classes of the reponse variable Y (i.e. default = “Yes”, default = “No”) are well-separated, the parameter estimates for the logistic regression model are surprisingly unstable. LDA & QDA do not suffer from this problem.
  • If n is small and the distribution of the predictors X is approximately normal in each of the classes, the LDA & QDA models are again more stable than the logistic regression model.
  • LDA & QDA are often preferred over logistic regression when we have more than two non-ordinal response classes (i.e.: stroke, drug overdose, and epileptic seizure).
  • It is always good to compare the results of different analytic techniques; this can either help to confirm results or highlight how different modeling assumptions and characterstics uncover new insights.

However, its important to note that LDA & QDA have assumptions that are often more restrictive then logistic regression:

  • Both LDA and QDA assume the the predictor variables X are drawn from a multivariate Gaussian (aka normal) distribution.
  • LDA assumes equality of covariances among the predictor variables X across each all levels of Y. This assumption is relaxed with the QDA model.
  • LDA and QDA require the number of predictor variables (p) to be less then the sample size (n). Furthermore, its important to keep in mind that performance will severely decline as p approaches n. A simple rule of thumb is to use LDA & QDA on data sets where .

Also, when considering between LDA & QDA its important to know that LDA is a much less flexible classifier than QDA, and so has substantially lower variance. This can potentially lead to improved prediction performance. But there is a trade-off: if LDA’s assumption that the the predictor variable share a common variance across each Y response class is badly off, then LDA can suffer from high bias. Roughly speaking, LDA tends to be a better bet than QDA if there are relatively few training observations and so reducing variance is crucial. In contrast, QDA is recommended if the training set is very large, so that the variance of the classifier is not a major concern, or if the assumption of a common covariance matrix is clearly untenable.

Preparing Our Data

As we’ve done in the previous tutorials, we’ll split our data into a training (60%) and testing (40%) data sets so we can assess how well our model performs on an out-of-sample data set.

sample <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), nrow(default), replace = T, prob = c(0.6,0.4))
train <- default[sample, ]
test <- default[!sample, ]

Linear Discriminant Analysis

LDA computes “discriminant scores” for each observation to classify what response variable class it is in (i.e. default or not default). These scores are obtained by finding linear combinations of the independent variables. For a single predictor variable the LDA classifier is estimated as


  • is the estimated discriminant score that the observation will fall in the kth class within the response variable (i.e. default or not default) based on the value of the predictor variable x
  • is the average of all the training observations from the kth class
  • is the weighted average of the sample variances for each of the K classes
  • is the prior probability that an observation belongs to the kth class (not to be confused with the mathematical constant )

This classifier assigns an observation to the kth class of for which discriminant score () is largest. For example, lets assume there are two classes (A and B) for the response variable Y. Based on the predictor variable(s), LDA is going to compute the probability distribution of being classified as class A or B. The linear decision boundary between the probability distributions is represented by the dashed line. Discriminant scores to the left of the dashed line will be classified as A and scores to the right will be classified as B.

When dealing with more than one predictor variable, the LDA classifier assumes that the observations in the kth class are drawn from a multivariate Gaussian distribution , where is a class-specific mean vector, and is a covariance matrix that is common to all K classes. Incorporating this into the LDA classifier results in

where an observation will be assigned to class k where the discriminant score is largest.

Estimate & Understand Model

In R, we fit a LDA model using the lda function, which is part of the MASS library. Notice that the syntax for the lda is identical to that of lm (as seen in the linear regression tutorial), and to that of glm (as seen in the logistic regression tutorial) except for the absence of the family option.

(lda.m1 <- lda(default ~ balance + student, data = train))
## Call:
## lda(default ~ balance + student, data = train)
## Prior probabilities of groups:
##        No       Yes 
## 0.9677526 0.0322474 
## Group means:
##      balance studentYes
## No   804.968  0.2956254
## Yes 1776.971  0.3948718
## Coefficients of linear discriminants:
##                     LD1
## balance     0.002232368
## studentYes -0.227922283

The LDA output indicates that our prior probabilities are and ; in other words, 96.8% of the training observations are customers who did not default and 3% represent those that defaulted. It also provides the group means; these are the average of each predictor within each class, and are used by LDA as estimates of . These suggest that customers that tend to default have, on average, a credit card balance of $1,777 and are more likely to be students then non-defaulters (29% of non-defaulters are students whereas 39% of defaulters are). However, as we learned from the last tutorial this is largely because students tend to have higher balances then non-students.

The coefficients of linear discriminants output provides the linear combination of balance and student=Yes that are used to form the LDA decision rule. In other words, these are the multipliers of the elements of X = x in Eq 1 & 2. If 0.0022 × balance − 0.228 × student is large, then the LDA classifier will predict that the customer will default, and if it is small, then the LDA classifier will predict the customer will not default. We can use plot to produce plots of the linear discriminants, obtained by computing 0.0022 × balance − 0.228 × student for each of the training observations. As you can see, when the probability increases that the customer will not default and when the probability increases that the customer will default.


Make Predictions

We can use predict for LDA much like we did with logistic regression. I’ll illustrate the output that predict provides based on this simple data set.

(df <- tibble(balance = rep(c(1000, 2000), 2), 
       student = c("No", "No", "Yes", "Yes")))
## # A tibble: 4 × 2
##   balance student
##     <dbl>   <chr>
## 1    1000      No
## 2    2000      No
## 3    1000     Yes
## 4    2000     Yes

Below we see that predict returns a list with three elements. The first element, class, contains LDA’s predictions about the customer defaulting. Here we see that the second observation (non-student with balance of $2,000) is the only one that is predicted to default. The second element, posterior, is a matrix that contains the posterior probability that the corresponding observations will or will not default. Here we see that the only observation to have a posterior probability of defaulting greater than 50% is observation 2, which is why the LDA model predicted this observation will default. However, we also see that observation 4 has a 42% probability of defaulting. Right now the model is predicting that this observation will not default because this probability is less than 50%; however, we will see shortly how we can make adjustments to our posterior probability thresholds. Finally, x contains the linear discriminant values, described earlier.

(df.pred <- predict(lda.m1, df))
## $class
## [1] No  Yes No  No 
## Levels: No Yes
## $posterior
##          No         Yes
## 1 0.9903138 0.009686200
## 2 0.4585630 0.541436990
## 3 0.9940401 0.005959891
## 4 0.5801226 0.419877403
## $x
##         LD1
## 1 0.4335197
## 2 2.6658881
## 3 0.2055974
## 4 2.4379658

As previously mentioned the default setting is to use a 50% threshold for the posterior probabilities. We can recreate the predictions contained in the class element above:

# number of non-defaulters
sum(df.pred$posterior[, 1] >= .5)
## [1] 3

# number of defaulters
sum(df.pred$posterior[, 2] > .5)
## [1] 1

If we wanted to use a posterior probability threshold other than 50% in order to make predictions, then we could easily do so. For instance, suppose that a credit card company is extremely risk-adverse and wants to assume that a customer with 40% or greater probability is a high-risk customer. We can easily assess the number of high-risk customers.

# number of high-risk customers with 40% probability of defaulting
sum(df.pred$posterior[, 2] > .4)
## [1] 2

Non-linear Discriminant Analysis

As previously mentioned, LDA assumes that the observations within each class are drawn from a multivariate Gaussian distribution and the covariance of the predictor variables are common across all k levels of the response variable Y. Quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA) provides an alternative approach. Like LDA, the QDA classifier assumes that the observations from each class of Y are drawn from a Gaussian distribution. However, unlike LDA, QDA assumes that each class has its own covariance matrix. In other words, the predictor variables are not assumed to have common variance across each of the k levels in Y. Mathematically, it assumes that an observation from the kth class is of the form , where is a covariance matrix for the kth class. Under this assumption, the classifier assigns an observation to the class for which

is largest. Why is this important? Consider the image below. In trying to classify the observations into the three (color-coded) classes, LDA (left plot) provides linear decision boundaries that are based on the assumption that the observations vary consistently across all classes. However, when looking at the data it becomes apparent that the variability of the observations within each class differ. Consequently, QDA (right plot) is able to capture the differing covariances and provide more accurate non-linear classification decision boundaries.

Estimate & Understand Model

Similar to lda, we can use the MASS library to fit a QDA model. Here we use the qda function. The output is very similar to the lda output. It contains the prior probabilities and the group means. But it does not contain the coefficients of the linear discriminants, because the QDA classifier involves a quadratic, rather than a linear, function of the predictors.

(qda.m1 <- qda(default ~ balance + student, data = train))
## Call:
## qda(default ~ balance + student, data = train)
## Prior probabilities of groups:
##        No       Yes 
## 0.9677526 0.0322474 
## Group means:
##      balance studentYes
## No   804.968  0.2956254
## Yes 1776.971  0.3948718

Make Predictions

The predict function works in exactly the same fashion as for LDA except it does not return the linear discriminant values. In comparing this simple prediction example to that seen in the LDA section we see minor changes in the posterior probabilities. Most notably, the posterior probability that observation 4 will default increased by nearly 8% points.

predict(qda.m1, df)
## $class
## [1] No  Yes No  No 
## Levels: No Yes
## $posterior
##          No         Yes
## 1 0.9957697 0.004230299
## 2 0.4381383 0.561861660
## 3 0.9980862 0.001913799
## 4 0.5148050 0.485194962

Prediction Evaluation

Now that we understand the basics of evaluating our model and making predictions. Let’s assess how well our two models (lda.m1 & qda.m1) perform on our test data set. First we need to apply our models to the test data.

test.predicted.lda <- predict(lda.m1, newdata = test)
test.predicted.qda <- predict(qda.m1, newdata = test)

Now we can evaluate how well our model predicts by assessing the different classification rates discussed in the logistic regression tutorial. First we’ll look at the confusion matrix in a percentage form. The below results show that the models perform in a very similar manner. 96% of the predicted observations are true negatives and about 1% are true positives. Both models have a type II error of less than 3% in which the model predicts the customer will not default but they actually did. And both models have a type I error of less than 1% in which the models predict the customer will default but they never did. <- table(test$default, test.predicted.lda$class) <- table(test$default, test.predicted.qda$class)

list(LDA_model = %>% prop.table() %>% round(3),
     QDA_model = %>% prop.table() %>% round(3))
## $LDA_model
##          No   Yes
##   No  0.964 0.002
##   Yes 0.028 0.007
## $QDA_model
##          No   Yes
##   No  0.963 0.002
##   Yes 0.026 0.009

Furthermore, we can estimate the overall error rates. Here we see that the QDA model reduces the error rate by just a hair.

test %>%
  mutate(lda.pred = (test.predicted.lda$class),
         qda.pred = (test.predicted.qda$class)) %>%
  summarise(lda.error = mean(default != lda.pred),
            qda.error = mean(default != qda.pred))
## # A tibble: 1 × 2
##    lda.error  qda.error
##        <dbl>      <dbl>
## 1 0.02909183 0.02782697

However, as we discussed in the last tutorial, the overall error may be less important then understanding the precision of our model. If we look at the raw numbers of our confusion matrix we can compute the precision:

  • LDA model:
  • QDA model:

So our QDA model has a slightly higher precision than the LDA model; however, both of them are lower than the logistic regression model precision of 29%.

list(LDA_model =,
     QDA_model =
## $LDA_model
##         No  Yes
##   No  3809    6
##   Yes  109   29
## $QDA_model
##         No  Yes
##   No  3808    7
##   Yes  103   35

If we are concerned with increasing the precision of our model we can tune our model by adjusting the posterior probability threshold. For instance, we might label any customer with a posterior probability of default above 20% as high-risk. Now the precision of our QDA model improves to . However, the overall error rate has increased to 4%. But a credit card company may consider this slight increase in the total error rate to be a small price to pay for more accurate identification of individuals who do indeed default. It’s important to keep in mind these kinds of trade-offs, which are common with classification models - tuning models can improve certain classification rates while worsening others.

# create adjusted predictions
lda.pred.adj <- ifelse(test.predicted.lda$posterior[, 2] > .20, "Yes", "No")
qda.pred.adj <- ifelse(test.predicted.qda$posterior[, 2] > .20, "Yes", "No")

# create new confusion matrices
list(LDA_model = table(test$default, lda.pred.adj),
     QDA_model = table(test$default, qda.pred.adj))
## $LDA_model
##      lda.pred.adj
##         No  Yes
##   No  3731   84
##   Yes   69   69
## $QDA_model
##      qda.pred.adj
##         No  Yes
##   No  3699  116
##   Yes   55   83

We can also assess the ROC curve for our models as we did in the logistic regression tutorial and compute the AUC.

# ROC curves

par(mfrow=c(1, 2))

prediction(test.predicted.lda$posterior[,2], test$default) %>%
  performance(measure = "tpr", x.measure = "fpr") %>%

prediction(test.predicted.qda$posterior[,2], test$default) %>%
  performance(measure = "tpr", x.measure = "fpr") %>%

# model 1 AUC
prediction(test.predicted.lda$posterior[,2], test$default) %>%
  performance(measure = "auc") %>%
## [[1]]
## [1] 0.9420727

# model 2 AUC
prediction(test.predicted.qda$posterior[,2], test$default) %>%
  performance(measure = "auc") %>%
## [[1]]
## [1] 0.9420746

Comparing Logistic Regression & Discriminant Analysis

The logistic regression and LDA methods are closely connected and differ primarily in their fitting procedures. Consequently, the two often produce similar results. However, LDA assumes that the observations are drawn from a Gaussian distribution with a common covariance matrix across each class of Y, and so can provide some improvements over logistic regression when this assumption approximately holds. Conversely, logistic regression can outperform LDA if these Gaussian assumptions are not met. Both LDA and logistic regression produce linear decision boundaries so when the true decision boundaries are linear, then the LDA and logistic regression approaches will tend to perform well. QDA, on the other-hand, provides a non-linear quadratic decision boundary. Thus, when the decision boundary is moderately non-linear, QDA may give better results (we’ll see other non-linear classifiers in later tutorials).

What is important to keep in mind is that no one method will dominate the oth- ers in every situation. And often, we want to compare multiple approaches to see how they compare. To illustrate, we’ll examine stock market (Smarket) data provided by the ISLR package. This data set consists of percentage returns for the S&P 500 stock index over 1,250 days, from the beginning of 2001 until the end of 2005. For each date, percentage returns for each of the five previous trading days, Lag1 through Lag5 are provided. In addition Volume (the number of shares traded on the previous day, in billions), Today (the percentage return on the date in question) and Direction (whether the market was Up or Down on this date) are provided.

##   Year   Lag1   Lag2   Lag3   Lag4   Lag5 Volume  Today Direction
## 1 2001  0.381 -0.192 -2.624 -1.055  5.010 1.1913  0.959        Up
## 2 2001  0.959  0.381 -0.192 -2.624 -1.055 1.2965  1.032        Up
## 3 2001  1.032  0.959  0.381 -0.192 -2.624 1.4112 -0.623      Down
## 4 2001 -0.623  1.032  0.959  0.381 -0.192 1.2760  0.614        Up
## 5 2001  0.614 -0.623  1.032  0.959  0.381 1.2057  0.213        Up
## 6 2001  0.213  0.614 -0.623  1.032  0.959 1.3491  1.392        Up

Lets model this data with logistic regression, LDA, and QDA to assess well each model does in predicting the direction of the stock market based on previous day returns. We’ll use 2001-2004 data to train our models and then test these models on 2005 data.

train <- subset(ISLR::Smarket, Year < 2005)
test <- subset(ISLR::Smarket, Year == 2005)

Logistic Regression

Here we fit a logistic regression model to the training data. Looking at the summary our model does not look too convincing considering no coefficients are statistically significant and our residual deviance has barely been reduced. <- glm(Direction ~ Lag1 + Lag2 + Lag3 + Lag4 + Lag5 + Volume, 
               data = train,
               family = binomial)

## Call:
## glm(formula = Direction ~ Lag1 + Lag2 + Lag3 + Lag4 + Lag5 + 
##     Volume, family = binomial, data = train)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
## -1.302  -1.190   1.079   1.160   1.350  
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)  0.191213   0.333690   0.573    0.567
## Lag1        -0.054178   0.051785  -1.046    0.295
## Lag2        -0.045805   0.051797  -0.884    0.377
## Lag3         0.007200   0.051644   0.139    0.889
## Lag4         0.006441   0.051706   0.125    0.901
## Lag5        -0.004223   0.051138  -0.083    0.934
## Volume      -0.116257   0.239618  -0.485    0.628
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 1383.3  on 997  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 1381.1  on 991  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 1395.1
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 3

Now we compute the predictions for 2005 and compare them to the actual movements of the market over that time period with a confusion matrix. The results are rather disappointing: the test error rate is 52%, which is worse than random guessing! Furthermore, our precision is only 31%. However, this should not be surprising considering the lack of statistical significance with our predictors.

# predictions
glm.probs <- predict(, test, type="response")

# confusion matrix
table(test$Direction, ifelse(glm.probs > 0.5, "Up", "Down"))
##        Down Up
##   Down   77 34
##   Up     97 44

# accuracy rate
mean(ifelse(glm.probs > 0.5, "Up", "Down") == test$Direction)
## [1] 0.4801587

# error rate
mean(ifelse(glm.probs > 0.5, "Up", "Down") != test$Direction)
## [1] 0.5198413

Remember that using predictors that have no relationship with the response tends to cause a deterioration in the test error rate (since such predictors cause an increase in variance without a corresponding decrease in bias), and so removing such predictors may in turn yield an improvement. The variables that appear to have the highest importance rating are Lag1 and Lag2.

##           Overall
## Lag1   1.04620896
## Lag2   0.88432632
## Lag3   0.13941784
## Lag4   0.12456821
## Lag5   0.08257344
## Volume 0.48517564

Lets re-fit with just these two variables and reassess performance. We don’t see much improvement within our model summary. <- glm(Direction ~ Lag1 + Lag2, 
               data = train,
               family = binomial)

## Call:
## glm(formula = Direction ~ Lag1 + Lag2, family = binomial, data = train)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
## -1.345  -1.188   1.074   1.164   1.326  
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)  0.03222    0.06338   0.508    0.611
## Lag1        -0.05562    0.05171  -1.076    0.282
## Lag2        -0.04449    0.05166  -0.861    0.389
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 1383.3  on 997  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 1381.4  on 995  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 1387.4
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 3

However, our prediction classification rates have improved slightly. Our error rate has decreased to 44% (accuracy = 56%) and our precision has increased to 75%. However, its worth noting that the market moved up 56% of the time in 2005 and moved down 44% of the time. Thus, the logistic regression approach is no better than a naive approach!

# predictions
glm.probs <- predict(, test, type = "response")

# confusion matrix
table(test$Direction, ifelse(glm.probs > 0.5, "Up", "Down"))
##        Down  Up
##   Down   35  76
##   Up     35 106

# accuracy rate
mean(ifelse(glm.probs > 0.5, "Up", "Down") == test$Direction)
## [1] 0.5595238

# error rate
mean(ifelse(glm.probs > 0.5, "Up", "Down") != test$Direction)
## [1] 0.4404762

Linear Discriminant Analysis

Now we’ll perform LDA on the stock market data. Our summary shows that our prior probabilities of market movement are 49% (down) and 51% (up). The group means indicate that there is a tendency for the previous 2 days’ returns to be negative on days when the market increases, and a tendency for the previous days’ returns to be positive on days when the market declines.

( <- lda(Direction ~ Lag1 + Lag2, data = train))
## Call:
## lda(Direction ~ Lag1 + Lag2, data = train)
## Prior probabilities of groups:
##     Down       Up 
## 0.491984 0.508016 
## Group means:
##             Lag1        Lag2
## Down  0.04279022  0.03389409
## Up   -0.03954635 -0.03132544
## Coefficients of linear discriminants:
##             LD1
## Lag1 -0.6420190
## Lag2 -0.5135293

When we predict with our LDA model and assess the confusion matrix we see that our prediction rates mirror those produced by logistic regression. The overall error and the precision of our LDA and logistic regression models are the same.

# predictions
test.predicted.lda <- predict(, newdata = test)

# confusion matrix
table(test$Direction, test.predicted.lda$class)
##        Down  Up
##   Down   35  76
##   Up     35 106

# accuracy rate
mean(test.predicted.lda$class == test$Direction)
## [1] 0.5595238

# error rate
mean(test.predicted.lda$class != test$Direction)
## [1] 0.4404762

Quadratic Discriminant Analysis

Lastly, we’ll predict with a QDA model to see if we can improve our performance.

( <- qda(Direction ~ Lag1 + Lag2, data = train))
## Call:
## qda(Direction ~ Lag1 + Lag2, data = train)
## Prior probabilities of groups:
##     Down       Up 
## 0.491984 0.508016 
## Group means:
##             Lag1        Lag2
## Down  0.04279022  0.03389409
## Up   -0.03954635 -0.03132544

Surprisingly, the QDA predictions are accurate almost 60% of the time! Furthermore, the precision of the model is 86%. This level of accuracy is quite impressive for stock market data, which is known to be quite hard to model accurately. This suggests that the quadratic form assumed by QDA may capture the true relationship more accurately than the linear forms assumed by LDA and logistic regression.

# predictions
test.predicted.qda <- predict(, newdata = test)

# confusion matrix
table(test$Direction, test.predicted.qda$class)
##        Down  Up
##   Down   30  81
##   Up     20 121

# accuracy rate
mean(test.predicted.qda$class == test$Direction)
## [1] 0.5992063

# error rate
mean(test.predicted.qda$class != test$Direction)
## [1] 0.4007937

We can see how our models differ with a ROC curve. Although you can’t tell, the logistic regression and LDA ROC curves sit directly on top of one another. However, we can see how the QDA (green) differs slightly.

# ROC curves

p1 <- prediction(glm.probs, test$Direction) %>%
  performance(measure = "tpr", x.measure = "fpr")

p2 <- prediction(test.predicted.lda$posterior[,2], test$Direction) %>%
  performance(measure = "tpr", x.measure = "fpr")

p3 <- prediction(test.predicted.qda$posterior[,2], test$Direction) %>%
  performance(measure = "tpr", x.measure = "fpr")

plot(p1, col = "red")
plot(p2, add = TRUE, col = "blue")
plot(p3, add = TRUE, col = "green")

The difference is subtle. You can see where we experience increases in the true positive predictions (where the green line go above the red and blue lines). And although our precision increases, overall AUC is not that much higher.

# Logistic regression AUC
prediction(glm.probs, test$Direction) %>%
  performance(measure = "auc") %>%
## [[1]]
## [1] 0.5584308

prediction(test.predicted.lda$posterior[,2], test$Direction) %>%
  performance(measure = "auc") %>%
## [[1]]
## [1] 0.5584308

prediction(test.predicted.qda$posterior[,2], test$Direction) %>%
  performance(measure = "auc") %>%
## [[1]]
## [1] 0.5620088

Although we get some improvement with the QDA model we probably want to continue tuning our models or assess other techniques to improve our classification performance before hedging any bets! But this illustrates the usefulness of assessing multiple classification models.

Additional Resources

This will get you up and running with LDA and QDA. Keep in mind that there is a lot more you can dig into so the following resources will help you learn more:

  1. This tutorial was built as a supplement to chapter 4, section 4 of An Introduction to Statistical Learning