Transforming Your Data with dplyr

Although many fundamental data manipulation functions exist in R, they have been a bit convoluted to date and have lacked consistent coding and the ability to easily flow together. This leads to difficult-to-read nested functions and/or choppy code. R Studio is driving a lot of new packages to collate data management tasks and better integrate them with other analysis activities. As a result, a lot of data processing tasks are becoming packaged in more cohesive and consistent ways, which leads to:

  • More efficient code
  • Easier to remember syntax
  • Easier to read syntax

dplyr is one such package which was built for the sole purpose of simplifying the process of manipulating, sorting, summarizing, and joining data frames. This tutorial serves to introduce you to the basic functions offered by the dplyr package. These fundamental functions of data transformation that the dplyr package offers includes:

Packages Utilized


For the examples that follow, we’ll use the following census data which includes the K-12 public school expenditures by state. This data frame currently is 50x16 and includes expenditure data for 14 unique years.

##   Division      State   X1980    X1990    X2000    X2001    X2002    X2003    X2004    X2005    X2006    X2007    X2008    X2009    X2010    X2011
## 1        6    Alabama 1146713  2275233  4176082  4354794  4444390  4657643  4812479  5164406  5699076  6245031  6832439  6683843  6670517  6592925
## 2        9     Alaska  377947   828051  1183499  1229036  1284854  1326226  1354846  1442269  1529645  1634316  1918375  2007319  2084019  2201270
## 3        8    Arizona  949753  2258660  4288739  4846105  5395814  5892227  6071785  6579957  7130341  7815720  8403221  8726755  8482552  8340211
## 4        7   Arkansas  666949  1404545  2380331  2505179  2822877  2923401  3109644  3546999  3808011  3997701  4156368  4240839  4459910  4578136
## 5        9 California 9172158 21485782 38129479 42908787 46265544 47983402 49215866 50918654 53436103 57352599 61570555 60080929 58248662 57526835
## 6        8   Colorado 1243049  2451833  4401010  4758173  5151003  5551506  5666191  5994440  6368289  6579053  7338766  7187267  7429302  7409462

%>% Operator

Although not required, the tidyr and dplyr packages make use of the pipe operator %>% developed by Stefan Milton Bache in the R package magrittr. Although all the functions in tidyr and dplyr can be used without the pipe operator, one of the great conveniences these packages provide is the ability to string multiple functions together by incorporating %>%.

This operator will forward a value, or the result of an expression, into the next function call/expression. For instance a function to filter data can be written as:

filter(data, variable == numeric_value)
data %>% filter(variable == numeric_value)

Both functions complete the same task and the benefit of using %>% is not evident; however, when you desire to perform multiple functions its advantage becomes obvious. For more info check out the %>% tutorial.

select( ) function:

Objective: Reduce dataframe size to only desired variables for current task

Description: When working with a sizable dataframe, often we desire to only assess specific variables. The select() function allows you to select and/or rename variables.

Function:       select(data, ...)
Same as:        data %>% select(...)

        data:           data frame
        ...:            call variables by name or by function

Special functions:
        starts_with(x, = TRUE): names starts with x
        ends_with(x, = TRUE):   names ends in x
        contains(x, = TRUE):    selects all variables whose name contains x
        matches(x, = TRUE):     selects all variables whose name matches the regular expression x

Example Let’s say our goal is to only assess the 5 most recent years worth of expenditure data. Applying the select() function we can select only the variables of concern.

sub.exp <- expenditures %>% select(Division, State, X2007:X2011)
head(sub.exp)  # for brevity only display first 6 rows

##   Division      State    X2007    X2008    X2009    X2010    X2011
## 1        6    Alabama  6245031  6832439  6683843  6670517  6592925
## 2        9     Alaska  1634316  1918375  2007319  2084019  2201270
## 3        8    Arizona  7815720  8403221  8726755  8482552  8340211
## 4        7   Arkansas  3997701  4156368  4240839  4459910  4578136
## 5        9 California 57352599 61570555 60080929 58248662 57526835
## 6        8   Colorado  6579053  7338766  7187267  7429302  7409462

We can also apply some of the special functions within select(). For instance we can select all variables that start with ‘X’:

head(expenditures %>% select(starts_with("X")))

##     X1980    X1990    X2000    X2001    X2002    X2003    X2004    X2005  X2006    X2007    X2008    X2009    X2010    X2011
## 1 1146713  2275233  4176082  4354794  4444390  4657643  4812479  5164406  5699076  6245031  6832439  6683843  6670517  6592925
## 2  377947   828051  1183499  1229036  1284854  1326226  1354846  1442269  1529645  1634316  1918375  2007319  2084019  2201270
## 3  949753  2258660  4288739  4846105  5395814  5892227  6071785  6579957  7130341  7815720  8403221  8726755  8482552  8340211
## 4  666949  1404545  2380331  2505179  2822877  2923401  3109644  3546999  3808011  3997701  4156368  4240839  4459910  4578136
## 5 9172158 21485782 38129479 42908787 46265544 47983402 49215866 50918654 53436103 57352599 61570555 60080929 58248662 57526835
## 6 1243049  2451833  4401010  4758173  5151003  5551506  5666191  5994440  6368289  6579053  7338766  7187267  7429302  7409462

You can also de-select variables by using “-“ prior to name or function. The following produces the inverse of functions above

expenditures %>% select(-X1980:-X2006)
expenditures %>% select(-starts_with("X"))

filter( ) function:

Objective: Reduce rows/observations with matching conditions

Description: Filtering data is a common task to identify/select observations in which a particular variable matches a specific value/condition. The filter() function provides this capability.

Function:       filter(data, ...)
Same as:        data %>% filter(...)

        data:           data frame
        ...:            conditions to be met


Continuing with our sub.exp dataframe which includes only the recent 5 years worth of expenditures, we can filter by Division:

sub.exp %>% filter(Division == 3)

##   Division     State    X2007    X2008    X2009    X2010    X2011
## 1        3  Illinois 20326591 21874484 23495271 24695773 24554467
## 2        3   Indiana  9497077  9281709  9680895  9921243  9687949
## 3        3  Michigan 17013259 17053521 17217584 17227515 16786444
## 4        3      Ohio 18251361 18892374 19387318 19801670 19988921
## 5        3 Wisconsin  9029660  9366134  9696228  9966244 10333016

We can apply multiple logic rules in the filter() function such as:

<   Less than                    !=      Not equal to
>   Greater than                 %in%    Group membership
==  Equal to              is NA
<=  Less than or equal to        !  is not NA
>=  Greater than or equal to     &,|,!   Boolean operators

For instance, we can filter for Division 3 and expenditures in 2011 that were greater than $10B. This results in Indiana, which is in Division 3, being excluded since its expenditures were < $10B (FYI - the raw census data are reported in units of $1,000).

# Raw census data are in units of $1,000
sub.exp %>% filter(Division == 3, X2011 > 10000000)  

##   Division     State    X2007    X2008    X2009    X2010    X2011
## 1        3  Illinois 20326591 21874484 23495271 24695773 24554467
## 2        3  Michigan 17013259 17053521 17217584 17227515 16786444
## 3        3      Ohio 18251361 18892374 19387318 19801670 19988921
## 4        3 Wisconsin  9029660  9366134  9696228  9966244 10333016

group_by( ) function:

Objective: Group data by categorical variables

Description: Often, observations are nested within groups or categories and our goals is to perform statistical analysis both at the observation level and also at the group level. The group_by() function allows us to create these categorical groupings.

Function:       group_by(data, ...)
Same as:        data %>% group_by(...)

        data:           data frame
        ...:            variables to group_by

*Use ungroup(x) to remove groups

Example The group_by() function is a silent function in which no observable manipulation of the data is performed as a result of applying the function. Rather, the only change you’ll notice is, if you print the dataframe you will notice underneath the Source information and prior to the actual dataframe, an indicator of what variable the data is grouped by will be provided. The real magic of the group_by() function comes when we perform summary statistics which we will cover shortly.

group.exp <- sub.exp %>% group_by(Division)


## Source: local data frame [6 x 7]
## Groups: Division
##   Division      State    X2007    X2008    X2009    X2010    X2011
## 1        6    Alabama  6245031  6832439  6683843  6670517  6592925
## 2        9     Alaska  1634316  1918375  2007319  2084019  2201270
## 3        8    Arizona  7815720  8403221  8726755  8482552  8340211
## 4        7   Arkansas  3997701  4156368  4240839  4459910  4578136
## 5        9 California 57352599 61570555 60080929 58248662 57526835
## 6        8   Colorado  6579053  7338766  7187267  7429302  7409462

summarise( ) function:

Objective: Perform summary statistics on variables

Description: Obviously the goal of all this data wrangling is to be able to perform statistical analysis on our data. The summarise() function allows us to perform the majority of the initial summary statistics when performing exploratory data analysis.

Function:       summarise(data, ...)
Same as:        data %>% summarise(...)

        data:           data frame
        ...:            Name-value pairs of summary functions like min(), mean(), max() etc.

*Developer is from New Zealand...can use "summarise(x)" or "summarize(x)"


Lets get the mean expenditure value across all states in 2011

sub.exp %>% summarise(Mean_2011 = mean(X2011))

##   Mean_2011
## 1  10513678

Not too bad, lets get some more summary stats

sub.exp %>% summarise(Min = min(X2011, na.rm=TRUE),
                     Median = median(X2011, na.rm=TRUE),
                     Mean = mean(X2011, na.rm=TRUE),
                     Var = var(X2011, na.rm=TRUE),
                     SD = sd(X2011, na.rm=TRUE),
                     Max = max(X2011, na.rm=TRUE),
                     N = n())

##       Min  Median     Mean         Var       SD      Max  N
## 1 1049772 6527404 10513678 1.48619e+14 12190938 57526835 50

This information is useful, but being able to compare summary statistics at multiple levels is when you really start to gather some insights. This is where the group_by() function comes in. First, let’s group by Division and see how the different regions compared in by 2010 and 2011.

sub.exp %>%
        summarise(Mean_2010 = mean(X2010, na.rm=TRUE),
                  Mean_2011 = mean(X2011, na.rm=TRUE))

## Source: local data frame [9 x 3]
##   Division Mean_2010 Mean_2011
## 1        1   5121003   5222277
## 2        2  32415457  32877923
## 3        3  16322489  16270159
## 4        4   4672332   4672687
## 5        5  10975194  11023526
## 6        6   6161967   6267490
## 7        7  14916843  15000139
## 8        8   3894003   3882159
## 9        9  15540681  15468173

Now we’re starting to see some differences pop out. How about we compare states within a Division? We can start to apply multiple functions we’ve learned so far to get the 5 year average for each state within Division 3.

sub.exp %>%
        gather(Year, Expenditure, X2007:X2011) %>%   # this turns our wide data to a long format
        filter(Division == 3) %>%                    # we only want to compare states within Division 3
        group_by(State) %>%                          # we want to summarize data at the state level
        summarise(Mean = mean(Expenditure),
                  SD = sd(Expenditure))

## Source: local data frame [5 x 3]
##       State     Mean        SD
## 1  Illinois 22989317 1867527.7
## 2   Indiana  9613775  238971.6
## 3  Michigan 17059665  180245.0
## 4      Ohio 19264329  705930.2
## 5 Wisconsin  9678256  507461.2

arrange( ) function:

Objective: Order variable values

Description: Often, we desire to view observations in rank order for a particular variable(s). The arrange() function allows us to order data by variables in accending or descending order.

Function:       arrange(data, ...)
Same as:        data %>% arrange(...)

        data:           data frame
        ...:            Variable(s) to order

*use desc(x) to sort variable in descending order


For instance, in the summarise example we compared the the mean expenditures for each division. We could apply the arrange() function at the end to order the divisions from lowest to highest expenditure for 2011. This makes it easier to see the significant differences between Divisions 8,4,1 & 6 as compared to Divisions 5,7,9,3 & 2.

sub.exp %>%
        summarise(Mean_2010 = mean(X2010, na.rm=TRUE),
                  Mean_2011 = mean(X2011, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%

## Source: local data frame [9 x 3]
##   Division Mean_2010 Mean_2011
## 1        8   3894003   3882159
## 2        4   4672332   4672687
## 3        1   5121003   5222277
## 4        6   6161967   6267490
## 5        5  10975194  11023526
## 6        7  14916843  15000139
## 7        9  15540681  15468173
## 8        3  16322489  16270159
## 9        2  32415457  32877923

We can also apply an descending argument to rank-order from highest to lowest. The following shows the same data but in descending order by applying desc() within the arrange() function.

sub.exp %>%
        summarise(Mean_2010 = mean(X2010, na.rm=TRUE),
                  Mean_2011 = mean(X2011, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%

## Source: local data frame [9 x 3]
##   Division Mean_2010 Mean_2011
## 1        2  32415457  32877923
## 2        3  16322489  16270159
## 3        9  15540681  15468173
## 4        7  14916843  15000139
## 5        5  10975194  11023526
## 6        6   6161967   6267490
## 7        1   5121003   5222277
## 8        4   4672332   4672687
## 9        8   3894003   3882159

join( ) functions:

Objective: Join two datasets together

Description: Often we have separate dataframes that can have common and differing variables for similar observations and we wish to join these dataframes together. The multiple xxx_join() functions provide multiple ways to join dataframes.

Description:    Join two datasets

                inner_join(x, y, by = NULL)
                left_join(x, y, by = NULL)
                right_join(x, y, by = NULL)
                full_join(x, y, by = NULL)
                semi_join(x, y, by = NULL)
                anti_join(x, y, by = NULL)

        x,y:           data frames to join
        by:            a character vector of variables to join by. If NULL, the default, join will do a natural join, using all 
                        variables with common names across the two tables.


Our public education expenditure data represents then-year dollars. To make any accurate assessments of longitudinal trends and comparison we need to adjust for inflation. I have the following dataframe which provides inflation adjustment factors for base-year 2012 dollars (obviously I should use 2014 values but I had these easily accessable and it only serves for illustrative purposes).

##    Year  Annual Inflation
## 28 2007 207.342 0.9030811
## 29 2008 215.303 0.9377553
## 30 2009 214.537 0.9344190
## 31 2010 218.056 0.9497461
## 32 2011 224.939 0.9797251
## 33 2012 229.594 1.0000000

To join to my expenditure data I obviously need to get my expenditure data in the proper form that allows my to join these two dataframes. I can apply the following functions to accomplish this:

long.exp <- sub.exp %>%
        gather(Year, Expenditure, X2007:X2011) %>%         # turn to long format
        separate(Year, into=c("x", "Year"), sep="X") %>%   # separate "X" from year value
        select(-x)                                         # remove "x" column

long.exp$Year <- as.numeric(long.exp$ Year)  # convert from character to numeric


##   Division      State Year Expenditure
## 1        6    Alabama 2007     6245031
## 2        9     Alaska 2007     1634316
## 3        8    Arizona 2007     7815720
## 4        7   Arkansas 2007     3997701
## 5        9 California 2007    57352599
## 6        8   Colorado 2007     6579053

I can now apply the left_join() function to join the inflation data to the expenditure data. This aligns the data in both dataframes by the Year variable and then joins the remaining inflation data to the expenditure dataframe as new variables.

join.exp <- long.exp %>% left_join(inflation)


##   Division      State Year Expenditure  Annual Inflation
## 1        6    Alabama 2007     6245031 207.342 0.9030811
## 2        9     Alaska 2007     1634316 207.342 0.9030811
## 3        8    Arizona 2007     7815720 207.342 0.9030811
## 4        7   Arkansas 2007     3997701 207.342 0.9030811
## 5        9 California 2007    57352599 207.342 0.9030811
## 6        8   Colorado 2007     6579053 207.342 0.9030811

To illustrate the other joining methods we can use these two simple dateframes:

Dataframe “x”:

##     name instrument
## 1   John     guitar
## 2   Paul       bass
## 3 George     guitar
## 4  Ringo      drums
## 5 Stuart       bass
## 6   Pete      drums

Dataframe “y”:

##     name  band
## 1   John  TRUE
## 2   Paul  TRUE
## 3 George  TRUE
## 4  Ringo  TRUE
## 5  Brian FALSE

inner_join(): Include only rows in both x and y that have a matching value


##     name instrument band
## 1   John     guitar TRUE
## 2   Paul       bass TRUE
## 3 George     guitar TRUE
## 4  Ringo      drums TRUE

left_join(): Include all of x, and matching rows of y


##     name instrument band
## 1   John     guitar TRUE
## 2   Paul       bass TRUE
## 3 George     guitar TRUE
## 4  Ringo      drums TRUE
## 5 Stuart       bass <NA>
## 6   Pete      drums <NA>

semi_join(): Include rows of x that match y but only keep the columns from x


##     name instrument
## 1   John     guitar
## 2   Paul       bass
## 3 George     guitar
## 4  Ringo      drums

anti_join(): Opposite of semi_join


##     name instrument
## 1   Pete      drums
## 2 Stuart       bass

mutate( ) function:

Objective: Creates new variables

Description: Often we want to create a new variable that is a function of the current variables in our dataframe or even just add a new variable. The mutate() function allows us to add new variables while preserving the existing variables.

Function:       mutate(data, ...)
Same as:        data %>% mutate(...)                

        data:           data frame
        ...:            Expression(s)


If we go back to our previous join.exp dataframe, remember that we joined inflation rates to our non-inflation adjusted expenditures for public schools. The dataframe looks like:

##   Division      State Year Expenditure  Annual Inflation
## 1        6    Alabama 2007     6245031 207.342 0.9030811
## 2        9     Alaska 2007     1634316 207.342 0.9030811
## 3        8    Arizona 2007     7815720 207.342 0.9030811
## 4        7   Arkansas 2007     3997701 207.342 0.9030811
## 5        9 California 2007    57352599 207.342 0.9030811
## 6        8   Colorado 2007     6579053 207.342 0.9030811

If we wanted to adjust our annual expenditures for inflation we can use mutate() to create a new inflation adjusted cost variable which we’ll name inflation_adj:

inflation_adj <- join.exp %>% mutate(Adj_Exp = Expenditure/Inflation)


##   Division      State Year Expenditure  Annual Inflation  Adj_Exp
## 1        6    Alabama 2007     6245031 207.342 0.9030811  6915249
## 2        9     Alaska 2007     1634316 207.342 0.9030811  1809711
## 3        8    Arizona 2007     7815720 207.342 0.9030811  8654505
## 4        7   Arkansas 2007     3997701 207.342 0.9030811  4426735
## 5        9 California 2007    57352599 207.342 0.9030811 63507696
## 6        8   Colorado 2007     6579053 207.342 0.9030811  7285119

Lets say we wanted to create a variable that rank-orders state-level expenditures (inflation adjusted) for the year 2010 from the highest level of expenditures to the lowest.

rank_exp <- inflation_adj %>% 
        filter(Year == 2010) %>%
        arrange(desc(Adj_Exp)) %>%
        mutate(Rank = 1:length(Adj_Exp))


##   Division      State Year Expenditure  Annual Inflation  Adj_Exp Rank
## 1        9 California 2010    58248662 218.056 0.9497461 61330774    1
## 2        2   New York 2010    50251461 218.056 0.9497461 52910417    2
## 3        7      Texas 2010    42621886 218.056 0.9497461 44877138    3
## 4        3   Illinois 2010    24695773 218.056 0.9497461 26002501    4
## 5        2 New Jersey 2010    24261392 218.056 0.9497461 25545135    5
## 6        5    Florida 2010    23349314 218.056 0.9497461 24584797    6

If you wanted to assess the percent change in cost for a particular state you can use the lag() function within the mutate() function:

inflation_adj %>%
        filter(State == "Ohio") %>%
        mutate(Perc_Chg = (Adj_Exp-lag(Adj_Exp))/lag(Adj_Exp))

##   Division State Year Expenditure  Annual Inflation  Adj_Exp     Perc_Chg
## 1        3  Ohio 2007    18251361 207.342 0.9030811 20210102           NA
## 2        3  Ohio 2008    18892374 215.303 0.9377553 20146378 -0.003153057
## 3        3  Ohio 2009    19387318 214.537 0.9344190 20747992  0.029862103
## 4        3  Ohio 2010    19801670 218.056 0.9497461 20849436  0.004889357
## 5        3  Ohio 2011    19988921 224.939 0.9797251 20402582 -0.021432441

You could also look at what percent of all US expenditures each state made up in 2011. In this case we use mutate() to take each state’s inflation adjusted expenditure and divide by the sum of the entire inflation adjusted expenditure column. We also apply a second function within mutate() that provides the cummalative percent in rank-order. This shows that in 2011, the top 8 states with the highest expenditures represented over 50% of the total U.S. expenditures in K-12 public schools. (I remove the non-inflation adjusted Expenditure, Annual & Inflation columns so that the columns don’t wrap on the screen view)

perc.of.whole <- inflation_adj %>%
        filter(Year == 2011) %>%
        arrange(desc(Adj_Exp)) %>%
        mutate(Perc_of_Total = Adj_Exp/sum(Adj_Exp),
               Cum_Perc = cumsum(Perc_of_Total)) %>%
        select(-Expenditure, -Annual, -Inflation)
head(perc.of.whole, 8)

##   Division        State Year  Adj_Exp Perc_of_Total  Cum_Perc
## 1        9   California 2011 58717324    0.10943237 0.1094324
## 2        2     New York 2011 52575244    0.09798528 0.2074177
## 3        7        Texas 2011 43751346    0.08154005 0.2889577
## 4        3     Illinois 2011 25062609    0.04670957 0.3356673
## 5        5      Florida 2011 24364070    0.04540769 0.3810750
## 6        2   New Jersey 2011 24128484    0.04496862 0.4260436
## 7        2 Pennsylvania 2011 23971218    0.04467552 0.4707191
## 8        3         Ohio 2011 20402582    0.03802460 0.5087437

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